Snow Day


Snow snow snow….the first day it snows in my village it is beautiful and looks magical! Azerbaijan is a very sunny country and I love how bright it gets when it snows. However, the truth behind the snow is what hurts!!! My village does not have gas yet, which is strange since that is the one thing that this country has a plentiful supply of. I can see the gas pipes going through my village on it’s way to Georgia but yet my village still does not have gas! We have been told that it will finally come this winter! I hope it comes soon, because my house is freezing. My family recently finished building our cinder block kitchen which has one wood stove. All 5 of my family members squeeze into the kitchen, it’s very cozy and has definitely helped us bond! BUT what mainly sucks about snow is that the pipes will freeze for days and days and even weeks… So far it has been 4 days of no water (which primarily means no shower, or outdoor bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face in). I will soon venture to bucket bathe but it’s too cold to even imagine leaving my toasty kitchen.

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