
There are many things that people in my village do not have, running water, gas, heat, wood floors, cupboards, and more but everyone seems to have food! A huge part of the culture in Azerbaijan is drinking tea and sharing meals together. You always begin a meal with tea, homemade jam and candy. After filling up on dessert first you then eat dinner. Most large meals are always called dinner or supper no matter what time of day it is. If there is a special occasion the meal will never end. The food will come out in cycles and you have to be really careful to eat slowly so you don’t get force fed more food than you want! Not every meal is this large and abundant, but it does seem that every time I go to someones house in my village there is always a lot of food. Today I came to my counterparts house to lesson plan and her mother-in-law was preparing Khingal, a traditional homemade noodle with cream, garlic, butter and onion dish. It’s extremely heavy and all I can say is that I can’t wait for summer to come when the meals aren’t so heavy!! IMG_1195

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